The Hilson Life Adjustment Profile (HLAP) measures specific psychological characteristics that may affect a person’s ability to function in a high-risk occupation. Symptoms related to emotional adjustment disorders, such as depression, paranoia, anxiety, concerns about health and/or suicidal tendencies, are identified.

The HLAP also includes items relating to an individual’s actual involvement in activities, social support network, and overall level of functioning.

Applications in the Safety and Security sector include conditional-offer selection and fitness for duty.

Key Scales

  • HLAP Content Areas – Lack of Candor; Lack of Social Network; Lack of Family Support; Low Activity Level; Anxiety; Concerns about Health; Obsessive-Compulsive Personality; Paranoid Ideation; Suicidal/Depressed Thoughts; Critical Events; and Lack of Satisfaction with Life
  • Factor 1 – Emotional Adjustment Difficulties/Psychopathology
  • Factor 2 – Recent Activity Level/General Functioning
  • Overall Total

“The 16pf Questionnaire provides great insight into an individual’s personality traits and how they relate to successful management performance. It is an extremely valuable tool when conducting capability assessments and coaching high-potential leaders in organizations.”

Amanda Jay, Ph.D.

Practice Leader, Leadership & Talent
Hay Group