In addition to Response Style Indices which assess whether the test taker has responded in a socially desirable, random, critical, extreme, or acquiescent manner, this new report includes helpful information for everyone in the assessment process – the 16pf-qualified Professional, the Manager / Supervisor, and the Client / Test Taker.

For the Professional

Concise personality assessment results to:

  • Facilitate selection and placement decisions
  • Inform development and career counseling programs.

For Managers who have a voice in the selection/placement process

Narrative feedback, written in layman’s language, about the direct report’s personality and how it might impact on-the-job performance in the key areas of:

  • Relating to Others
  • Influence and Collaboration
  • Thinking Style
  • Structure and Flexibility
  • Management of Pressure

Plus, for the Client/Test Taker

A 2-page section that the professional can use to help the individual fully understand the assessment results, which includes:

  • Detailed, easy-to-understand descriptions of the 5 Global Factors (listed above)
  • Narrative explanations of Low, Mid, and High scores for the Primary Factors that contribute to each of the 5 Global Factors.


Purchase Information

Call us on to 877-449-8378 to purchase this report.

“The Leadership Coaching Report raises awareness, which is step one in the development process. And the LCR workbook is an excellent resource for the coaching activities.”

Kim Grabiner, Manager

Strategy and Human Capital Group
RSM McGladrey, Inc.