The Career Development Report (CDR) facilitates discussion with individuals on how their personal strengths can lead to career success. It is appropriate for use in selection and placement, individual and management development, leadership development and executive coaching, career and outplacement counseling, as well as counseling for personal development.

Popular scores include Predicted Career Activity Scores for 7 broad interest areas (Influencing, Organizing, Creating, Helping, Analyzing, Producing, and Venturing) and 27 career fields, along with Leadership/ Subordinate Role Patterns and Occupational Interests. Generated from the 16pf Questionnaire, the CDR also includes a multi-page section that facilitates a self-directed exploration and planning process to help the individual understand his/her profile and develop action plans for both career and personal growth.

Our 16pf Career Success Report combines personality and career interest feedback in one assessment/report to provide unique insights to college students.

Purchase Information

This report is available for purchase on the PAN platform, along with many other assessments and features!

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“The 16pf Questionnaire provides great insight into an individual’s personality traits and how they relate to successful management performance. It is an extremely valuable tool when conducting capability assessments and coaching high-potential leaders in organizations.”

Amanda Jay, Ph.D.

Practice Leader, Leadership & Talent
Hay Group