This in-depth, 324-item self-report questionnaire analyzes individual differences in seven personality characteristics, eight interpersonal styles, and six career/lifestyle factors.

The report is comprised of three parts:

  • Part 1 deals with patterns that characterize broad segments of behavior, including overall adjustment, cognitive style, and achievement orientation.
  • Part 2 focuses on how the individual relates to other people by evaluating eight different styles and providing a chart of the scores plus a narrative summary.
  • Part 3 examines occupational and life style preferences from the perspective of six different orientations that are present to some extent in all of us.

In addition, a Profile Pattern Code, Validity Scores, and Item Responses are also provided in the report.

The API is a tool for selection and placement, development, career and outplacement counseling, and personal counseling.

“We are now using the 16pf Career Development Report as a standard part of our executive coaching intake process. Our clients consistently find the report to be insightful and provocative. A discussion of the report invariably illuminates key areas of interest and concern and helps both client and coach focus and prioritize the coaching engagement. The Personal Career Effectiveness Considerations section of the report provides an ideal foundation for career planning discussions and developmental assignments.”

Kirk Hallowell, Ph.D.
