Developed specifically for use with high-stakes, public safety and protective services personnel, the 16pf Protective Services Report Plus (16pf PSR+) is research-based and job-relevant.

A Robust, Post-offer Selection Tool

The 16pf PSR+ delivers:

  • A complete picture of the candidate, combining information about his/her mental and emotional functioning along with a detailed normal personality profile;
  • A valid and reliable method for identifying candidates to move forward in the selection process; and
  • A quick screen for the pathology factors that could derail individuals in public safety and security positions.

A Multi-Dimensional Look at Personality

The 16pf PSR+ is generated from the 16pf Psychological Evaluation Questionnaire (16pf PEQ) which is a combination of 140 clinical items and the 16pf Questionnaire. The report includes the same in-depth normal personality information as the 16pf Protective Services Report (16pf PSR) that is used in pre-offer selection plus additional narrative insights into the individual’s thought patterns, beliefs, and behavior.

The report also provides guidance on how the elevated clinical scales may affect a candidate’s job performance and thus warrant further evaluation. This information is supplemented by a score profile of the twelve clinical scales, plus a QuickEval Index and three composite indices that signal whether further exploration may be needed in the areas of depression, distorted thoughts, and risk-taking.

“We are now using the 16pf Career Development Report as a standard part of our executive coaching intake process. Our clients consistently find the report to be insightful and provocative. A discussion of the report invariably illuminates key areas of interest and concern and helps both client and coach focus and prioritize the coaching engagement. The Personal Career Effectiveness Considerations section of the report provides an ideal foundation for career planning discussions and developmental assignments.”

Kirk Hallowell, Ph.D.
