One of our most popular reports, the 16pf Interpretive Report, is a versatile report which can be used for dozens of applications including selection and placement, development, career and outplacement counseling, and personal counseling.

The Interpretive Report includes scores for:

  • 16 Primary Factors
  • 5 Global Factors
  • 3 Response Style Indices

The report also provides narrative statements for the 5 Global (Big 5) Factors as well as the Primary Factors that contribute to the Global Factors; vocational interests along Holland’s Occupational Interest Themes; and individual item responses and raw scores.

Purchase Information

This report is available for purchase on the PAN platform, along with many other assessments and features!

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“The 16pf Questionnaire provides great insight into an individual’s personality traits and how they relate to successful management performance. It is an extremely valuable tool when conducting capability assessments and coaching high-potential leaders in organizations.”

Amanda Jay, Ph.D.

Practice Leader, Leadership & Talent
Hay Group