This 16pf report is a composite of three sections that provide assessment information that is appropriate for the Practitioner, the Candidate (test taker), and the candidate’s Manager.

Designed for use by business psychologists and consultants, as well as qualified professionals within organizations, the 16pf Comprehensive Insights Report provides the following key information for use in selection, placement, development, and career and outplacement counseling:

Practitioner Overview

  • Response Style Indices – information that helps the professional determine the respondent’s test-taking attitude;
  • 16pf Profile – graphical presentations of the sten scores for the 16 Primary Factors and 5 Global Factors, and brief definitions of the Global Factors, including identification of the Primary Factors that contribute to each Global Factor;
  • Interpretation of Scores – a graphical and narrative guide of the individual’s personality profile, with predictions regarding the likely implications of the profile;
  • Strengths and Development Tips – personality-based strengths and areas for development are presented along with tips on how the areas for development might be addressed;
  • Feedback Prompts – a list of questions that can be used by the practitioner to help the respondent reach a desired level of self-understanding.

Candidate Feedback

A brief narrative report that describes the respondent’s personality profile in terms easily understood by non-professionals. The report is organized around the five Global Factors:

  • Relating to Others (Extraversion)
  • Influence and Collaboration (Independence)
  • Thinking Style (Tough-Mindedness)
  • Structure and Flexibility (Self-Control)
  • Management of Pressure (Anxiety)

Manager Feedback

This report provides the same narrative information as the Candidate feedback and is designed for use by supervisors or managers who would benefit from an understanding of a direct report’s personality profile.

Purchase Information

This report is available for purchase on the PAN platform, along with many other assessments and features!

Register to Purchase


“The 16pf Questionnaire provides great insight into an individual’s personality traits and how they relate to successful management performance. It is an extremely valuable tool when conducting capability assessments and coaching high-potential leaders in organizations.”

Amanda Jay, Ph.D.

Practice Leader, Leadership & Talent
Hay Group