The 16pf Adolescent Personality Questionnaire (APQ) is a self-report personality inventory that was specifically developed and normed for adolescents. It elicits valuable information regarding the youth’s personal style, problem-solving abilities, preferred work activities, and areas where the youth is having problems, making the APQ appropriate for screening and for introducing sensitive topics in a counseling situation.

The test includes four sections:

  • Your Personal Style (normal personality items)
  • Problem Solving (a short measure of general reasoning ability)
  • Work Activity Preferences (measures six career-interest variables), and
  • Life’s Difficulties (optional questions concerning matters of sex, aggression, significant low mood, low sense of self, etc.).

The APQ is useful in situations where personality is relevant – educational adjustment, personal or social difficulty, and passage through one’s developmental tasks. The Work Activity Preferences section is particularly helpful with career exploration. In addition, the normal personality section (Your Personal Style) and the Work Activity section help professionals adjust their approach to the characteristics of the young person.

Two interpretive reports are available from this questionnaire – the APQ Guidance Report and the APQ Psychological Report. (The optional Life’s Difficulties section must be completed to generate the APQ Psychological Report.)

“The 16pf Questionnaire provides great insight into an individual’s personality traits and how they relate to successful management performance. It is an extremely valuable tool when conducting capability assessments and coaching high-potential leaders in organizations.”

Amanda Jay, Ph.D.

Practice Leader, Leadership & Talent
Hay Group