The 16pf Psychological Evaluation Report (16pf PER™) screens for twelve pathology-oriented behavioral characteristics and also delivers in-depth normal personality information. This unique multi-dimensional structure saves valuable time and money over longer, single-focus, invasive assessments and also gives you:
- Useful normal personality insights, even if pathology is not present;
- Narrative interpretation of every elevated scale on both the normal and clinical scales;
- Three scales that measure the individual’s attitude toward the test taking process;
- A QuickEval Index for an instant indication of the person’s overall feeling of adequacy, self-worth, and their ability to cope;
- Three additional indices which signal whether further evaluation is needed in the areas of depression, distorted thoughts, and risk-taking behaviors;
- Occupational areas the individual may be drawn to, based upon his/her unique personality. (This information can be used to identify possible person-job compatibility issues.);
- High correlations with the most-used MMPI scales;
- Shorter, faster test administrations with just 325 items; and
- Computer or paper-pencil test administration, and either Internet-based scoring or scoring without an Internet connection using our OnSite Pro software.
A Deeper Look at Depression
The 16pf PER assists in the evaluation of overall functioning, including documentation of the reported presence of symptoms of depression. Over half of the 16pf Psychological Evaluation Questionnaire’s clinical scales assess a facet of depression, a common yet difficult-to-identify diagnosis for individuals in high-risk occupations. In addition, a composite scale, Depressive Characteristics, includes these six scales:
- Health Concerns
- Suicidal Thinking
- Anxious Depression
- Low Energy State
- Self-Reproach
- Apathetic Withdrawal
Red Flag on Excessive Risk-Taking
The 16pf PER also signals where further exploration is warranted in the area of Risk-Taking, with a composite scale score plus scores on the individual scales of Thrill-Seeking and Threat Immunity.