Our team of industrial-organizational psychologists and solution consultants are experts in partnering with clients on talent measurement initiatives to deliver industry-leading and innovative solutions that adhere to professional standards and best practices. PAN’s consulting services span the entire employment life cycle including talent acquisition, development, succession planning, and talent reviews. Below are examples of our service offerings.

Pre-Assessment Consulting Services

Job Analysis

The process of examining a job, job family, or job level to identify the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics needed to perform the job successfully.

Visionary Job Analysis

The process of examining a job, job family, or level that does not yet exist or that is changing to identify the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics that will be needed to perform the job successfully in the future.

Competency Confirmation

An effort to confirm existing job descriptions; this is a simplified and abbreviated job analysis, consisting of an archival review and a competency confirmation survey. A job review allows an organization to complete some of the job analysis process if the entire project is not technically feasible.

Content Validation Study

Method for displaying the relevance of assessment or interview content and developing scoring guidelines. Raters indicate importance of items and minimum acceptability probabilities.

Criterion-Related Concurrent Validation Study

Process of statistically linking assessment scores to criteria such as turnover, performance, demographics, etc. Data is collected from incumbent populations. Establishes job-relatedness beyond the job analysis.

Criterion-Related Predictive Validation Study

Process of statistically linking assessment scores to criteria such as turnover, performance, demographics, etc. Data is collected from applicant populations. Establishes job-relatedness beyond the job analysis.

Post-Assessment Consulting Services

Custom Reporting

Web-based custom reports generated for each person completing an assessment.

Legal Defensibility Assessment

Analysis of assessment data to mitigate the risk of adverse impact.

ROI Study

Analysis of assessment data to display financial or other benefit to a company as a result of assessment implementation.

Behavioral Interview Guides

A set of questions complimentary to assessments to ensure critical competencies are measured thoroughly during selection.

Realistic Culture and Job Preview

Development of an activity, video, etc. that provides applicants a representative description of the job or a company’s culture.

Learning and Development Consulting Services

Leadership Analysis and Competency Modeling

Similar to job analysis, creates leadership profiles that are used to choose leadership assessments.

Report Interpretation Training

Training internal report interpreters to evaluate and use assessment reports fully.

Leadership Coaching

Coaching for leaders to maximize benefits from developmental assessments.