This report is an abbreviated version of the 16pf Comprehensive Insights Report. It supplies concise assessment results to 1) Facilitate selection and placement decisions; and 2) Inform development and career counseling programs.

The two-part format of the report provides a scores section for the Practitioner plus a report for the Managers who have a voice in the selection process, but who are untrained in the 16pf Questionnaire, such as the respondent’s supervising manager. The Manager Feedback Section includes brief narrative interpretations of the test taker’s 16pf profile, organized around the five global factors:

  • Relating to Others (Extraversion)
  • Influence and Collaboration (Independence)
  • Thinking Style (Tough-Mindedness)
  • Structure and Flexibility (Self-Control)
  • Management of Pressure (Anxiety)

Additional client/test taker feedback needed?

Check out our new 16pf Profile and Manager Feedback Report Plus – all the features of the original report plus two extra pages to help you ensure that your client/test taker has a full understanding of the assessment results.

Purchase Information

Call us on to 877-449-8378 to purchase this report.

“The 16PF not only helps us to understand our candidates better but also helps build our relationships with them.”

James Martin
